NOLSW, UAW Local 2320

Brennan Center United Receives Voluntary Recognition

on Wed Sep 15 2021


Brennan Center United,

Richard Goff,

The Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law has voluntarily recognized their staff’s union, Brennan Center United. This recognition comes after Brennan Center United and Brennan Center management reached an agreement on the scope of the bargaining unit, and a card check conducted by a neutral third party has confirmed that an overwhelming majority of eligible workers at the Brennan Center desire union recognition. 

“We formed this union because we are committed to the Brennan Center’s mission of advancing democracy and justice,” said the Brennan Center United organizing committee. “We are overjoyed that the Brennan Center has voluntarily recognized our union and look forward to gathering at the bargaining table to make our workplace more inclusive, equitable, democratic, and enjoyable for all workers.”

Brennan Center United is affiliated with the United Auto Workers, UAW Local 2320, a “national local” union also known as the National Organization of Legal Services Workers (NOLSW). The Brennan Center for Justice is a prominent nonpartisan law and policy institute known for its evidence-based work and advocacy for democracy reform and justice.

Follow Brennan Center United on Twitter at @BCJ_United, and follow @NOLSW2320 for updates on other organizing campaigns.


The National Organization of Legal Services Workers (NOLSW), UAW Local 2320, AFL-CIO is the union representing the majority of those who work in federally-funded legal services programs across the USA. NOLSW also represents workers in other types of law offices and in various human services programs.

NOLSW, UAW Local 2320